painful periods or dysmenorrhea can be primary or secondary. secondary means it is a result of endometriosis or any disease process. Primary dysmenorrhea is the cramping pain that comes before or during a period it is caused by Chemicals called prostaglandins that are made inside the uterus which causes muscles and blood vessels of the uterus to contract and expel the menstual flow. Now uterus is supplied by nerves which have their origin in T10 to L3. T10 to L3 are also nerve roots for the nerve which supply low back, pelvis, abdomen and legs. A lot of women suffer from dysmenorrhea. We at human repair evaluate and treat all the muscles Trigger points associated with the lower back abdomen and legs. We treat the pelvic organs like uterus bladder fascia associated with it so that the muscles are more relaxed, the nerves are less stimulated, resulting in decreased inflammation of the tissues supplied by those nerve roots. A number of patients have benefited in terms of pain and cramping from manual therapy for the abdomen, lower back and pelvis. They have reported significantly decreased usage of painkillers and hot water bottles. Decreased usage of painkillers means lesser side effects and better gut health. Overall the quality of life for women improve significantly once the problem of painful periods is managed using manual therapy and specific exercises to promote relaxation of the muscles and reproductive health.